Decoding the Remix

Decoding the remix – layers of meaning and interpretation. Looking for specific undertones, e.g. evidence of class issues in found footage film-making or perhaps elitism? Looking for hidden meanings or altering meaning. The meaning of the original text is altered as a result of being recontextualised. Consumerism is our culture. More about the process of creating meaning – less about the work itself or the artist, more about the processes and practices of meanings and those who perceive it. Evidence of power struggles in found footage filmmaking. Turning the tables, tipping the scales – found footage filmmakers looked for the scraps of culture to make their work. Now commercial work looks for ideas in the scraps of found footage filmmakers! Benjamin, De Certeau, Debord, Baudrillard, Hall. War metaphoes in remix. Decoding remixes is one thing but many PRVs or Critical remix works are decoding mainstream media themselves. So it becomes quite meta – decoding something that is itself decoding something else. Manovich meta-medium. Surveying the origins of meda media in found footage filmmaking. Surveying is like mapping so to survey this field is to create a map of people, places, events, work and the systems in which they operate. Times, dates. It is certainly possible to create an interactive visualization of this. A survey of a field alone is not considered to be original research. A survey of what has been written about this in other academic publications, summarizing the content and context of each one. Marxism in found footage – class consciousness – Arnold Howser. The Social History of Art. The Social History of Found Footage Filmmaking and its Digital Evolution into Meta Media Production. The goal is to show how found footage filmmaking interacts with power structures in society. The critical approach that could be used is Marxism. Marxist visual culture attempts to show how art is tied to specific classes, contains information about the economy and how images reinforce the status quo (current ideology). Check Clement Greenberg. Art History entry. Evidence in current work of a change from capitalism to something new – looking at found footage filmmaking, we can see the rise of consumer society and postmodern thought reflected in its evolution and today we can see the emergence of a new economic system. T.J. Clark and Meye Schapir.

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